The Golden Valley Bank crew went out to the Torres Shelter for MDDay Chico on Saturday. We were able to supply the shelter with a much needed washer and dryer which were installed on Friday. The dryer was generously donated by Ginno's Kitchen and Appliance Center.
Rain or shine, the work went on.
The Torres Shelter laundry room, which runs 24/7 for guests, was in need of organization and a little TLC. We installed shelves, organized linens, folded blankets, separated cleaning supplies and provided new laundry baskets for guests. The end result will help the shelter continue their efforts in providing emergency support for people in our community who need it. A big shout out to all who participated in the Chico Make A Difference Day. We were glad Congressman Doug LaMalfa and our CEO, Mark Francis were able to show us how to use a drill. One day really can make a difference.
Check out all the pictures from MDDay Chico on Facebook.